Apr 25, 2019
Meredith Glendening- Law Firm Marketing Director of Sechler Law Firm in Mars, PA on “How to go from Employee mindset to an Intraprenuer who knows what it means (and takes) to have your attorneys back while protecting their time and energy.”
Show Notes:
Whether you’re a new employee or a veteran employee, hear the best practice approach to set yourself and your attorney up for success in a small firm with limited systems and resources in place. We will talk about what we see as the biggest challenge for team members supporting busy attorneys that are in back to back meetings and the tried, tested and proven strategies to overcome the limited access to get what you need to accomplish your goals and duties. Day in and day out.
Hear Meredith’s journey of coming into a law firm 8 years ago with ZERO prior legal experience and how she supported her attorneys from “start up mode”... tight budget to growing very quickly to a $2.5MM practice, then a partnership breakup to her Jerry McGuire moment… leaving with her fish and hanging a new shingle with one of the partners and growing the practice to a team of 10 in less than 18 months.
This podcast is dedicated to teaching you how to find your important value factor and how to capitalize on that in a firm of constant change of slim resources to massive growth, failure and then success again.
Links and Resources
Hiring & Empowering Solutions on Facebook
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/molly-
Meredith: https://www.attorneymarspa.com/